Five Major Types of Data Scientists

Data Science is a field of versatility and thereby many types are found in it. Depending on the types and the tools used by the scientists themselves are divided into different types.

5 types of data scientists:

  1. Research data scientists:

This type of data scientists think unusual and survive on inspection and innovation. They work best to inspect how an item performs and upgrades daily.

  1. Marketing data scientists:

This type of data scientists takes the load of understanding the market nicely. This is one of the most important tasks as the market is dynamic and depends on different factors. Thereby, these scientists should work with proficient skill and dedication.

  1. Product management data scientists:

This team of data scientists contains people who seek to improve the product. In a nutshell, they try to play with the existing modules for offering better interfaces to the users. Improving the app store on an iOS or Android platform, only for making the users feeling home at home is a good example of this kind of data science. Complete knowledge of what the product is ready for serving is the prime factor to win the market for these people.

  1. Operational data scientists:

This category comes next in the types of data scientists. This sort of gentlemen depends on of figures and facts. They want to categorize every data as a number, and therefore execute the further research. After collecting the raw data, the operational data scientist uses tools for sorting and ordering, in respect of different business rules and methods depending on the stats.

  1. Quantitative data scientists:

This team of data scientists depends on theory and survey. They completely believe that built theories are the best ways for data analyzing and every practical execution depends on it.

So, the main thing is that coming together of different types of data science help gain complete success for different businesses. Join data scientist certification training at Data Brio Academy and decide which one type of data scientist you want to be.
